Friday, February 3, 2012

Day 3 / WOD


- 100 Crunches 
On your back, knees bent, feet 12 inches apart. Hands lightly behind head. Crunch all the way up.
Adv: Holds arms out fully extended and perform movement.
Modify: Come up as high as you can, if you can't sit all the way up.

- 100 Reverse Crunches
On your back. Feet crossed at the ankles.  Knees bent. Hands/arms lay extended at your sides to maintain balance through movement. Lift feet up towards your chest, lifting your hips a few inches off the ground.

- 100  'Tick Tocks'
Lay on back. Knees bent, feet 12 inches apart on the floor. Arms fully extended at your sides. Engage core, lift head and chest as high as possible and maintain this position throughout movement. Begin reach left arm to left shoelace, repeat on right side = 1 rep.

- 100 Side Crunches  (Each side)
Lay on left side, position yourself so as you crunch up you're targeting your left oblique. Ditto right side.

- Alternating Plank Holds
On toes and elbows to begin.. Be sure your spine and neck are in alignment throughout entire hold. Begin 30 hold on elbows, then immediately lift onto hands for another 30 seconds. Keep repeating to failure. Rest 2 minutes. Repeat 5 sets total with 2 minute rest in between sets.

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