Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Welcome to Day 1 of the Challenge. This Challenge is to be a work carried out on your own. You must be your own cheerleader. You must be your own nutritionist. You must be your own trainer. You must be your own Best Friend. This site is intended to help guide you, educate you, and inspire you to keep the faith.

I'm Jill. I'm the gal to your right with the bright blue sky in the background. I've been married for nearly 24 years to my sweetheart, and am the proud mom of six children. Yes, they are all mine. I began as a sickly junk food junkie. 

It has been a long, eventful, challenging, most rewarding adventure for me, this road to fit. I believe you are capable of much more than you deem worthy. This Challenge will help bring that person out of you, the fighter, the determined individual that just won't quit until they've reached their goal. Period. I've been in the health and fitness industry now for 30 years. I began as a trainer, and kept evolving from there. My family enjoys fitness and eating healthy, it's become a way of life for all of us, for which I am very grateful. May your Challenge bring out the best in you!

Start with yourself. Take a good, honest look at yourself. Write down your goals. You can't rely on anyone else to do this for you. Because when it comes down to it, you are the only person who CAN do it. Watching others won't do it. Talking with others won't do it.. Reading about it won't do it. Preaching about it won't do it. You must take the initiative to suck up, tough it out, and be strong. Period. No one will be standing on your shoulder suggesting what you should and should not eat, anymore than a masseur will be waiting for you after each workout. It's a myth. Success comes from within. We take the knowledge we have, and that which we glean and learn from others, and form our environments as such, so they will be structured for support of our goals, not against them.

Following the 30 Day Challenge is a great way to start the first 30 of your 90 days.

There's a lot of useful information on the site to get you well on your way. In the Prep section, side bar, scroll down to blog listings, all the way down to 'July'. The 'July' posts are Prep days, workouts, shopping list, and tips. Please, use this to your benefit, and feel free to share it with others.

I'm in the process of writing my first book, raising a family, and train myself and many clients. I will post as often as I can, ideally, daily. Please, let me know what you would like to read about, learn about, areas to help you on your 90 Day journey....successfully!

It's great to take before and after pictures!!! Please, be sure to take yours, and if you're brave enough send them to me to post. It's amazing how much more accountable we become when our BEFORE pict is posted in public domain.

The people you see on this site are real, down to earth people. They had to start somewhere just like you. It didn't happen overnight, but it happened because they kept at it. I'm not going to lie to you and tell you 'it's easy', because, it's not. Period.'s worth it!!

Go to the following link and read, ponder, and make necessary adjustments.

Realize to have great ab's most of your work is in your head. It's a mindset. It's eating clean. It's consistency. It's in performing a total body workout daily in one way or another stimulating muscles through both functional movement, lifting objects and moving them around, and yes, even some good old isolation movements. Yes, ab's are more than ab's. You cannot 'spot reduce', you CAN train the body, get plenty of cardiovascular exercise, and strengthen your muscles WHILE working on those ab's, so as your bodyfat gets chiseled away you will like what you see underneath, and love how you feel inside. Best to you!!! 


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